
Privacy Policy is strictly dedicated towards shielding your privacy. We follow a set of rules in order to take necessary measures to keep your sensitive information secured on our site.

Personal information that we collect from users

  • Name
  • Email address
  • Location
  • Mobile number

Non-personal information that we collect

  • Data and time when the user visits our site
  • Visit duration
  • Browser type
  • Referring site
  • Pages visited on our website

Purpose of using personal information

The main objective behind requesting for your personal information is to verify your identity for reacting over an article. It helps us publish only genuine reactions posted by real users on our site.

We collect your personal information to have a better communication with you like your email id is required to send you email notifications when your react on an article on our site.


If you are a new user and want to submit a comment on our site you need to go through our simple registration process to create an account on our website. When you submit the necessary information required on our site like email id, phone number, name, etc we hold the right to view, alter or delete the information anytime by logging in to your account.

Disclosure of your personal information

InforMantra.Com doesn't believe in practice to sell/rent any of the personal information shared by our users on our site. Yes, we may only disclose your information to authorities like government, police etc whenever required to abide the laws.


InforMantra.Com may stores the cookies so that we remember you when you log in to our site and also to monitor your browsing behaviour to make necessary improvements to enhance your experience while browsing our site.


We follow the security standards of the industry to safeguard your personal information that you share with us. In case you find any scam or your account being accessed by any unauthorised person get in touch with us immediately.

External Links

Our website also comprises of external links from third party sites. We do not take the warranties associated with the privacy policies of third party website.


We give utmost importance to the security of the personal information shared by our users. In case you face any issues with privacy concerns you can mail us and we will identify and address the issue as soon as possible.

Changes in Privacy Policy

We hold the right to alter our privacy policy as and when required. You will be updated with the changes in privacy policy immediately.