
Significant Inventions for World & Humanity

Significant Inventions for World & Humanity

Numerous inventions have had a significant impact on the world and human civilization throughout history. These creations have reformed ventures, worked on personal satisfaction, and driven innovative headway. The following is a complete rundown of probably the main innovations, including their creators and the years they were made.

Invention Year Inventor
Wheel 3500 BC Unknown (Mesopotamia)
Printing Press 1440 Johannes Gutenberg
Telephone 1876 Alexander Graham Bell
Light Bulb 1879 Thomas Edison
Automobile 1885 Karl Benz
Airplane 1903 Wright Brothers
Penicillin 1928 Alexander Fleming
Television 1927 Philo Farnsworth
Transistor 1947 John Bardeen, Walter Brattain, and William Shockley
Internet 1960s ARPANET (Various Contributors)
World Wide Web 1989 Tim Berners-Lee
Steam Engine 1712 Thomas Newcomen
Radio 1895 Guglielmo Marconi
Microscope 1590 Zacharias Janssen
Refrigeration 1834 Jacob Perkins
Computer 1941 Konrad Zuse
Atomic Bomb 1945 J. Robert Oppenheimer (Manhattan Project)
Laser 1960 Theodore Maiman
DNA Double Helix 1953 James Watson and Francis Crick
Satellite 1957 Sergei Korolev (Sputnik)
Mobile Phone 1973 Martin Cooper
Electric Motor 1821 Michael Faraday
Vaccination 1796 Edward Jenner
Camera 1816 Nicéphore Niépce
Concrete 1824 Joseph Aspdin

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